Are TikTok and Instagram Reels the next hottest things in Marketing?

Ever hopped onto TikTok or Instagram, and wondered how creators get MILLIONS of views? Well, believe it or not, short-form video is the new trend, and creators have rode this wave to fame and back. Short-form video is a powerful marketing tool that can be used to reach a wide audience, build brand awareness, and generate leads. In today’s digital world, people are increasingly consuming content in short, bite-sized formats. This makes short-form video an ideal medium for reaching people on social media, where they are spending more and more time.

Short-Form Video in Today’s Marketing Landscape

Short-form video is becoming increasingly popular in the marketing landscape. In fact, a recent study by Cisco found that short-form video will account for 82% of all online video traffic by 2022. This growth is being driven by the rise of social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels, which are designed for sharing short, engaging videos. There are several reasons why short-form video is so effective for marketing. First, short videos are easy to consume; they can be watched quickly and easily on mobile devices, which is where most people are spending their time online. Second, short videos are highly engaging; they can capture attention quickly and keep viewers hooked with humor, music, or other attention-grabbing elements. Third, short videos are shareable; people are more likely to share short videos with their friends and followers, which can help to spread your brand message even further.

There are many benefits to using short-form video for marketing, including:

  • Increased brand awareness: Short-form videos can help to increase brand awareness by reaching a wider audience and getting your brand in front of more people.
  • Higher engagement rates: Short-form videos often have higher engagement rates than longer videos. This is because they are easier to consume and more likely to hold people’s attention.
  • Better conversion rates: Short-form videos can help to improve conversion rates by providing potential customers with a more engaging and informative way to learn about your products or services.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Short-form videos can be a cost-effective way to market your brand. They can be produced quickly and easily, and they can be distributed through a variety of channels, such as social media, email, and your website.

Effective Marketing Strategies for TikTok Videos

The TikTok application’s UI is split into two sections: one which shows you content from creators you follow, and one which shows you content from creators suggested to you, based on your algorithm on the application. This section, known as the ‘FYP’, or the ‘For You Page’, is one where creators expect to interact with new audiences. There are a number of strategies a creator can use to increase their chances of being relevant on the application’s FYP, such as:

  • Using relevant hashtags. Hashtags are a great way to get your videos seen by more people. When you use relevant hashtags, your videos will be shown to people who are interested in the same topics as your videos. For example, if you are a fashion brand, you might use hashtags like #fashion, #ootd, and #fashionista.
  • Creating challenges. Challenges are a great way to engage your audience and get them to share your videos. When you create a challenge, you ask people to do something specific and film themselves doing it. Then, you share the challenge on TikTok and encourage people to participate. For example, you might create a challenge where people have to recreate a viral dance move.
  • Collaborating with influencers. Influencers are people who have a large following on social media. When you collaborate with an influencer, they will promote your videos to their followers. This is a great way to reach a new audience. For example, you might collaborate with a fashion influencer who has a large following of young women.

Effective Marketing Strategies for Instagram Reels

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platform in today’s era, with over 2 BILLION users. Recently, Instagram ventured into the short-form video platform, thus creating Instagram Reels. Similar to TikTok’s FYP, users are introduced to creators based on their algorithm, and creators are given an opportunity to interact with new audiences. There are a number of strategies a creator can use to increase their chances of being relevant on the application, such as:

  • Using relevant hashtags. Just like on TikTok, using relevant hashtags is a great way to get your Reels seen by more people. When you use relevant hashtags, your Reels will be shown to people who are interested in the same topics as your Reels.
  • Creating Reels that are visually appealing. Instagram Reels are a highly visual platform, so it is important to create Reels that are visually appealing. This means using high-quality images and videos, and using editing tools to make your Reels look professional. For example, you might use filters and effects to make your videos look more interesting.
  • Running Reels ads. Reels ads are a great way to reach a wider audience with your Reels. When you run a Reels ad, your Reels will be shown to people who are not following you. This is a great way to get your brand in front of new people.


Short-form video is a powerful marketing tool that can be used to reach a wide audience, build brand awareness, and generate leads. It’s important to remember that people have a short attention spans, therefore the videos should be short and to the point. The videos should be visually appealing and engaging, so the use of high-quality images and videos is crucial. Always think about who you are trying to reach with your videos, and create content that will appeal to them. Like any other marketing strategy, success will not be built overnight, but tracking campaigns, maintaining consistency, and having patience will no doubt lead to imminent success. If you are looking to incorporate short-form video into your marketing strategy, the tips in this blog will help you get started.

Khaby Lame

Applications such as TikTok and Instagram Reels saw perhaps the biggest spike in active users over the pandemic, when a large population of their demographic was forced to stay indoors. Many turned towards finding a new hobby, whereas some turned towards turning their hobbies into businesses. One such personality who saw incredible stardom during this period was Senegalese-Italian content creator Khaby Lame, who became famous on TikTok for his reaction videos.

His videos typically feature him reacting to other people’s videos in a way that is both humorous and informative. For example, he might react to a video of someone struggling to open a package with a simple solution that is easy to understand. Khaby’s videos have gone viral, and he has amassed over 140 million followers on TikTok. He has also been featured in articles by major publications such as The New York Times and The Guardian.

Khaby’s content was simple, yet engaging, and it leveraged humor to capture the viewers’ attention. He consistently remained active on his social medias, especially Tiktok, and created new content on a regular basis, and was able to tap into the global audience. Khaby’s story is a great example of how short-form video can be used to achieve success on TikTok/Reels. By creating simple, engaging videos that use humor, Khaby was able to reach a global audience and become a household name.


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